„Правила и условия за участие в проект“

I agree that as a participant in the project I am applying for will:

  • Fully participate in the project activities;
  • Be on time for the project activities;
  • Not disturb the working process;
  • Not use cell phone/tablet/PC unless it is related to a project activity;
  • Respect the other participants and cultures;
  • Not discriminate anyone based on any kind of differences;
  • Attend the preparatory meetings, if there are such;
  • Inform the group leaders about any issue that might appear;
  • Participate in the evaluation process during and after the project;
  • Participate in the dissemination process after the project;
  • Send a report to CYA describing the project activities and what the participant learned/gained from it within 1 month after the project ends. The report could be either written or a video report, but both in English and Bulgarian language;
  • Provide ~30 pictures taken during the project in order to be uploaded on the website of CYA for the purpose of the dissemination process, within 1 month after the project ends.


I agree that photos or videos taken during the project activities in which I might appear can be posted on the organizations` websites, in social media and be used to create reports about the project, annual NGOs reports, final reports, etc.

I agree that I will take care of my insurance and in case something happens and I don`t have valid insurance, the responsibility for it is only mine.

I agree that the responsibility for obtaining permission from my parents, if needed, is only mine.

I agree that if I fail to have more than 80% on my personal final participant evaluation form, provided and filled absolutely objectively by the hosting organisation and/or the trainers/facilitators on the project, I will be obliged to pay compensation for damaging the prestige of CYA, the sending organisation and harming the project itself. This evaluation is based on the responsibilities, I`m obliged to take care of and my behaviour and attitude during the project. The value of the compensation amount is 5 euro for every 5% less than the minimum of 80% (80-75%, 75-70%, etc.) and will be deducted from the reimbursement of my travel costs. If less than 50% the organisers have the right not to reimburse me at all.

I am aware of all the financial conditions and reimbursement procedures.

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