Международен Младежки Обмен
Busteni, Romania
Another project post, but this time we were in Busteni, Romania hosted by @asociatia.oden (which btw were amazing facilitators and super creative during the activities).The project name was “Let’s vote for You(th) and E.U” and it took place from 26th of October till 6th of November involving 42 participants from Romania
, Greece
, Bulgaria
, Czech Republic
, Spain
, Italy
, Poland
and Lithuania
. The main aim of the project was to increase youth involvement in national and EU elections. The methodology was based on nonformal education methods including presentations, world café, theatre, debates, video creation, role plays etc. And each and every activity was related to how to increasing voting, why is the absence of voting, who is responsible for it and how we could reduce it, how democracy works ect. I think we made a very good good group and the final visual results were amazing, also the time we spent there was great, we had so much fun and made great memories. More photos and the final visual materials can be found in the facebook page of the project (https://www.facebook.com/
Thank you all hope we see each other again some day.
“LET’S VOTE FOR YOU AND E.U.” was a youth exchange that took place in Romania between 26 October and 6 November 2023 with 42 participants from 8 countries
The aim of the project was to increase youth involvement in national and EU elections.
Objectives were:
1. Increasing youngsters’ motivation for participation in voting and awareness of their rights and duties as European citizens
2. Developing spirit of European citizenship and civic engagement of youngsters in political and social life of small communities
3. Promoting non formal education methods (videos, theater, world school debate etc) as tools to fight absenteeism in European and national elections
The methodology was based on nonformal education methods including presentations, world café, theater, debates, video creation, role plays etc. The project activities were preparation, introduction, getting to know each other, workshops in plenary and teams, outdoor activities, intercultural evenings, visits, reflection and evaluation according to agenda.
Working methods:
All the project was done through the methods of non-formal education. The activities were for example brainstorming, plenary discussions, simulations, role plays, team building, energizers, ice breakers and many others, based on the concept of learning by doing.
Every participant was individually entitled to receive a Youthpass Certificate, which confirms participation and validates the non-formal learning (NFL) experience of Training course project. Validating the learning experiences of participants is important in itself and the document can be of benefit in terms of the educational or employment future of every participant. Through Youthpass the European Commission ensures the project activity is recognized as a non-formal learning experience.
(*For more information on Youthpass you may click on this page to check it online)