Международно Обучение
“Small Towns. Big Problems. Great Solutions”
Wierzchosławice, Poland
The Our international training course “Small Towns. Big Problems. Great Solutions” will take place on 23-29.05.2022 in Wierzchosławice (just outside city of Tarnów, 70km from Kraków). We will gather 30 people from Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania. Hungary, Croatia, Italy, Spain. Each group is 3 youth workers (18-118 age).
During the training course we will use various tools and elements of nonfromal and informal education methods to better understand themes:
1) New innovative curricula / educational methods / training / course development
2) Teaching and learning foreign languages
3) Access for disadvantaged people / groups
Together we have prepared interesting activities based on nonfromal and informal education methods, such as games, integration activities, workshops, presentations, discussions, national evenings, etc. By full participation in these learning process we want to develop competences which will allow us to better understand the world around us, take smarter decisions and give valuable, positive input to our local communities, countries and whole Europe.
Participant`s profile required:
1. Participants should be over 18 y.o.;
2. Participants are expected to be part of the full duration of the activity;
3. Be aware that this activity will be in English;
4. Participants with fewer opportunities and rural areas will have priority.
During the youth exchange we will host you in a very nice hotel → https://www.facebook.com/CentrumKulturyWierzchoslawice
All costs related to accommodation, and food (3 meals per day “breakfast, lunch, dinner”) will be covered by project budget as well. All breakfasts will be served in the hotel, also most of other meals. Please send us information if you need special diet or have other health/food issues (vegan, allergic, etc) max 7 days before exchange. All rooms include bathroom and internet access. Please take personal cosmetics and towels with you. In general you will stay in 2/3/4 people rooms. A few minutes’ walk from the hotel there is a shop if you need to buy something…
Working methods:
All the training will be done through the methods of non-formal education. The activities will be for example brainstorming, plenary discussions, simulations, role plays, team building, energizers, ice breakers and many others. Non formal education we remember you that is voluntary, no hierarchical and all its methods are based on the concept of learning by doing.
What to bring with me:
– Hygiene products.
– Medicines if needed.
– Each national team must bring at least one laptop! (for digital activities).
– Bring your adaptors and charges for your devices as these cannot be provided.
– We will have an intercultural evening, so bring your national food and drink.
– Bring your national flag, magazines, postcards what will help you to introduce your country.
– ….and your good mood. This is the most important ☺
Travel Costs:
100% of the participants‘ travel costs will be reimbursed within the valid budget sums calculated according to the official rules of Erasmus+ programme. If a sum exceeds the limit, the excess will be paid by the participants themselves. The reimbursement limit is 275€ per participant from Bulgaria.
Arrival no later than 10.00 – 23.04.2022
Departure no earlier than 18.00 – 29.05.2022
If you want to arrive on 21.035.2022 or 22.03.2022 and fly out on 30.05.2022 or 31.05.2022 we can help you find a cheap and good accommodation in Kraków or Wierzchosławice (Food and accommodation on these days is not financed by the Erasmus + program)
Important: In order to obtain reimbursement for the tickets, you need to follow these steps:
1) You need to present ALL THE TICKETS (that includes all the boarding passes), including RETURN TICKETS, which you will send after realization of the project, otherwise you will not be reimbursed.
2) You need to use PUBLIC TRANSPORT e.g. planes, trains, buses, trams or underground.
3) You need to depart from the country where your sending organization is.
4) It is recommended to make scans of tickets before your arrival in case you lose them. The reimbursement will be done only in Euros.
5) You must complete the dissemination activities and send to the organizers evidences of them (pictures, videos, written report, etc.). Could be one for the whole group or individual – the decision is up to each participant and national group.
Financial support:
Project is supported by “Erasmus+” program. Accommodation, meals, program and travel cost (based on distance) are covered from grant. 15 BGN will be deducted from the guarantee of 100 BGN which every participant must send prior the departure, in order to cover the different taxes, related to the participation of each representative from Bulgaria (bank transfer fees, post expenses, difference in the exchange rates, etc.). This guarantee will be reimbursed after completing all the dissemination activities, the participant is required to conduct after returning to Bulgaria and the reimbursement from the hosting organization to the sending organization is conducted.
The travel insurance is mandatory. It costs 1 BGN/day and covers all the common injuries during projects up to 5000 Euro. Our organization is not covering insurance, it is individual, but we are going to support you to obtain a proper insurance for the duration of the project. For more information about the insurance, contact us.
Every participant is individually entitled to receive a Youthpass Certificate, which confirms participation and validates the non-formal learning (NFL) experience of Training course project. Validating the learning experiences of participants is important in itself and the document can be of benefit in terms of the educational or employment future of the participant. Through Youthpass the European Commission ensures the Training course activity is recognized as a non-formal learning experience.
(*For more information on Youthpass you may click on this page to check it online)
Applicants MUST:
- Read carefully the Terms and Conditions you are agreeing with, when sending your application!
- Read carefully the Privacy Policy page.
- Have a valid ID/International passport.
- Possess valid European Health Card.
In the title of the e-mail, write down the name of the project.
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