“World Water Day”



Theme of this year: Nature for Water


World Water Day, on 22th March every year, is about focusing attention on the importance of water and the need to preserve and make it accessible to all.

Water is synonymous with life. From it originated life on our planet and without it, it would cease to exist. Our body is made up two-thirds of water, like the Earth. Water is the common thread of human existence. It’s an essential building block of life. It’s more than just essential to quench thirst or protect health; water is vital for creating jobs (half of the planet’s workers work in water-related industries ) and supporting economic, social and human development.

Today, 2.1 billion people living without safe drinking water at home and coping with the health impacts of using contaminated water; affecting their health, education and livelihoods.

This year’s theme explores how we can use nature to overcome the water challenges of the 21st century. Environmental damage, together with climate change is driving the water related crises we see around the world. Floods, drought and water pollution are all made worse by degraded vegetation, soil, rivers and lakes. When we neglect our ecosystems, we make it harder to provide everyone with the water we need to survive and thrive. Globally, the vast majority of all the wastewater from our homes, cities, industry and agriculture flows back to nature without being treated or reused, polluting the environment and losing valuable nutrients and other recoverable materials. Instead of wasting wastewater, we need to reduce and reuse it.

While this may sound simple – and, in many people’s eyes, a bit daft – the lack of clean water around the world, alongside the damaging effects of global warming, water pollution and damaged water tables, is more important to understand than ever.

It is the main element of our body and of our planet, the water, common good of all the inhabitants of the Earth and heritage of humanity, it’s the most precious of our resources.

Reducing household consumption can have surprising benefits, produce less water and consume less energy. No need for extraordinary acts but simple daily actions to minimize waste.

We have too often taken it for granted, but water is not an infinite resource.

The right to water is an universal human right and as such it’s defended through the adoption of recognitions and instruments of international law that introduce binding bonds for the states.

The UN objective is to ensure that everyone has access to drinking water by 2030 and greater protection of the natural environment and reduction of pollution.

Author: Giada (EVS Volunteer)