“The Entrepreneur Ship”

International Training Course
“The Entrepreneur Ship”


On 7th of October members of “The Change is in You” association returned to Bulgaria from fruitful project in Chisinau, Moldova. The main objective of the semianr was the establishment of a contact network of partners and new projects to be implemented in 2016. For six days youth workers from Bulgaria, Romania, Great Britain, Denmark, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Belarus and Italy worked hard together and built good friendships and strong partnerships.
Key issues raised during the sessions were informal education opportunities under Erasmus + program, and individual key activities provided. Participants got acquainted with the ‘Erasmus for young entrepreneurs “, which enables them after developing a good business plan to go to another country and for 1-6 months to observe and learn from entrepreneurs who have already successfully developed a similar idea. An unforgettable experience that definitely can turn everyone’s life!
Young entrepreneurs from Denmark presented the so called Canvas Business Model to develop a business plan, used by companies such as Google, Facebook, Gillette, Apple.
Memories and results of this project will definitely have long-term!