Internationa Training Course
“Advance Training on Quality”
The training course is open for voluntary and professional youth workers, working directly with young people, which organised and/or participated as a team member in at least one international youth exchange (which is completed) and plan to organise another within the frame of the ERASMUS+ Youth programme.
Participants should be at least 18 years old.
Be aware that this training course will be in English, without any possibility of permanent translation. Therefore, we ask you to have a good level of English (to be able to understand and to communicate).
Group size: approximately 30 participants.
The aim:
To support youth workers/leaders with youth exchange experience in increasing the quality of future European youth exchanges organised within the ERASMUS+ Youth Programme.
The objectives for the ATOQ are:
The ATOQ training course will provide the participants with opportunities to:
1. Critically reflect upon their previous international youth exchange experience(s) and the impact on young people, organisations and wider community.
2. Increase the understanding of different quality aspects of youth exchanges such as: active participation of young people, cooperation with partners, intercultural learning, impact and dissemination of results; programme design
3. Experience a non-formal learning process and understand how to support young people’s learning in the project;
4. Improve their project management competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) in order to better organise the different phases of a youth exchange project.
During this training course we will look back to your last organised youth exchange. You will also have the possibility to share your experience with the rest of the group. If you find it important for your own support you may bring the programme, the aims and objectives and the evaluation report of your last exchange, but there will not be a special time to present these. You will only be invited to share your past experiences, good practices and challenges or difficulties you found on the way.
During the ATOQ, each one will get the opportunity to present its own organisation in a visual way (during the session Youth Exchange & Organisation Market). Please be aware that there will be no time within the organised frame of the training course to present your organisation in front of the whole group. We however encourage you to
bring relevant material about your youth exchange as there will be an opportunity to show these during this evening, the informal moments and the coffee breaks.
Generally the method used to present the organisation is a free market where people can go around and freely discover each other’s organisations.
To bring with you:
• English information about your organisation
• All relevant information you have on the previous international project(s) you have organised