”Young and you have rights”

за участие в международен младежки обмен

”Young and you have rights”


Increase the level of information using informal and non-formal – learning methods, on human rights topic among the 49 young people aged from 16 to 30 years, coming from Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain, Turkey a period of 11 days.
Increase the level of response to the violation of human rights among young people involved in the project.
The activity consists an Advanced Planning Visit – 08/05/2017 – 11/05/2017 and Youth Exchange – 31/07/2017 – 12/08/2017, funded by Erasmus+ Programme, which will be held in Targu-Ocna (Romania) with the participation of 42 young people and 7 group leaders from Romania, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Spain and Lithuania.
The project aims to inform, guide and educate the young people from 7 countries from European Union about the rights and the obligations that they have in the European Union and countries of origin.
To develop young participants’ Intercultural and European dimension.
To promote role models among the young participants.
Increased self-esteem among youth participants.
Increasing levels of information about their rights and obligations
To develop a visual tool to inform, guide and educate the rights dimension of young people.

Participants` profile:
Number of participants: Every each partner will be represented during the youth exchange by 6 participants and one group leader.
Participants age: 16 – 30 years old. The group leader have to be older than 18 years old.
Gender equality: It is important that in the participants’ selection process to take into consideration also the gender equality criteria (it is recommended that your group of young participants to be composed by 3 girls and 3 boys + team leader).
Young people with fewer opportunities: Taking in consideration that Erasmus+ is a program that develop opportunities for young people, this project it is a good opportunity for you to involve also the young people with fewer opportunities from your own community.
This is why, we highly recommend you that at least one participants from every each national group to be with fewer opportunities (financial difficulties, geographical dificulties, speacial needs, etc.)
Participants background: The 6 participants from every each group should be young people interested in the project’s topics, motivated to participate in the young exchange by the learning process and also opened to get involved in the dissemination activities.
We are looking forward to meet positive and involved people!

Group Leader`s profile:
The group leaders must be youth workers (volunteers coordinators, facilitators, trainers, etc.) in your organization. They have to be older than 18 years old, with experience in youth working and as a group leader.
Recommended group leaders profile:
– Has interpersonal and communication abilities;
– Has a strategic thinking and is focused on results thinking;
– Has a positive and supporting attitude;
– Has Team spirit;
– Pays attention to details and promotes a positive attitude among the participants;
– Has coordinating, planning and organizing abilities;
– Has English speaking skills (at least medium level);
– Has experience in volunteering, non-formal education and youth working;
– Is a good mediator;
– Has facilitating abilities;
– Has evaluating abilities.

Participants` selection criterias:
During the selection process we take into consideration the following aspects:

  • Candidates’ learning needs (how this project can solve their needs),
  • Their learning objectives (how this project meets their learning objectives),
  • Their expected learning outcomes (if the project meets them), age (16-30 years old for the young participants and 18+ for the group leader),
  • Gender (to ensure the gender balance within the group), motivation (their motivation to participate),
  • Their disponibility to participate in the youth exchange (it is mandatory that the participants to actively participate during all the youth exchange activity days) and after, in the dissemination activities,
  • Their special needs (young people with fewer priorities), etc.

Working methods:
The methodology of the activities it is based on non-formal education methods, as socio-educative animation (get to know each other games, team building games, energizers, ice-breakers, treasure hunt), educational debates, a Court simulation, NGOs fair, workshops, role play, Open Space Technology, Stop motion animation, Living Library, Flash mob, and many other active and creative methods, games or exercises meant to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and the exchange between participants.

Accomodation and food:
The accomodation is 100% covered by Erasmus+ Programme, between 08 May to 11 May 2017 (For the APV) and 31th of july 2017 to 12 august 2017.
Târgu Ocna (Romanian pronunciation: [ˌtɨrɡu ˈokna]) is a town in Bacău County, Romania, situated on the left bank of the Trotuş River, an affluent of the Siret, and on a branch railway which crosses the Ghimeş Pass from Moldavia into Transylvania.
Târgu Ocna is built among the Carpathian Mountains on bare hills formed of rock salt. In fact the English translation of Ocna is salt mine.
You will stay in rooms of two, three or four people. If you want to stay in the same room with a particular person please let us know. You can find more about the place we will stay here: Hotel Romanitza
The food and coffee breaks are 100% covered by Erasmus+ Programme. There will be three meals per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 2 coffee breaks per day. On the arrival day (08.05/31.07) it is included just the dinner and on the departure day (11th May/12th August) it is included only breakfast.
It is very important to tell us if you have any allergies or if is there something that you do not eat, if you are vegetarian, have a diet, etc. This is why please fill out carefully the application form and do not forget to send it to us before 15th of April 2016/ 15th of July 2017.
If you want to stay more in Romania, (one or two more days before or after the project), we can help you to find a hostel/hotel, but we are not able pay for it, as it is not an eligible cost (accommodation or meals). So, staying one or two more days it is all on you. Still, if you decide to stay more, please let us know, as we need to request the National Agency’s approval.

Required dissemination activities:
Before the Youth exchange – you should promote the project on your Facebook page, website or other communication own dissemination channels. We will send you soon the official poster of the project and the information you already have it here.
During the Youth exchange – you should upload photos from the activities on your Facebook page or on other social networks or dissemination channels.
After the Youth exchange – you should write an article/small report (both in English and Bulgarian) and send it to the CYA in order to be published, but also to organize a dissemination activity (conference or meeting with other young people) where you will present the project results.

Travel Costs:
100% of the participants‘ travel costs will be reimbursed within the valid budget sums calculated according to the official rules of Erasmus+ programme. If a sum exceeds the limit, the excess will be paid by the participants themselves. The reimbursement limit is 80€ per participant from Bulgaria.

Reimbursement of the travel costs will only be done after submitting all original tickets, receipt/invoices, boarding passes and later sending of the return documents and boarding passes. Save the boarding passes from your airport check in as well (if traveling by airplane). Please, be aware that in case you loose any invoices or tickets we will not be able to reimburse the cost. Reimbursement will be done in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on your ticket and receipt/invoice according to the official currency exchange rate of European Commission.

! Note: in case of higher travel cost, you will need to cover excess yourself.

Important: It will be send only one bank transfert per Country . The recipient of the reimbursement is the sending association , not the participants according to the Romanian National Agency rules. To receive reimbursement participants should attend all the planned progamme elements (before, during and after the project activities).

Financial support:
Project is supported by “Erasmus+” program. Accommodation, meals, program and travel cost (based on distance) are covered from grant. There is NO participation fee. However, 15 BGN will be deductuted from the travel costs or paid to the sending organisation from each participant, in order to be covered the different taxes, related to the participation of each representative from Bulgaria (bank transfer fees, post expenses, difference in the exchange rates, etc.). In case the organisation is covering the tickets, each participant must transfer a guarantee of 70 BGN, to the organisation`s public bank accont to ensure his/her`s participation and if he/she cancels his/her`s participation, the sum will be used to cover the change of the name for the flight, the ticket has been bought already.
The project ”Young and you have rights” was funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, KA1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals and it is implemented by Association Generation of Changes (Asociatia Generatia Schimbarii – AGES) between 1st of February 2017 and 31th of January 2018.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The travel insurance is not mandatory but it is highly reccommended. It costs 1 BGN/day and covers all the common injuries during projects up to 5000 Euro. Our organization is not covering insurance, it is individual, but we are going to support you to obtain a proper insurance for the duration of the project. For more information about the insurance, contact us.

Every participant is individually entitled to receive a Youthpass Certificate, which confirms participation and
validates the non-formal learning (NFL) experience of Training course project. Validating the learning experiences of participants is important in itself and the document can be of benefit in terms of the educational or employment future of the participant. Through Youthpass the European Commission ensures the Training course activity is recognized as a non-formal learning experience.
(*For more information on Youthpass you may click on this page to check it online)

Applicants MUST:

  1. Have a vilidе ID/International passport.
  2. Possess notary verified permition for traveling alone abroad from his/her parents/legal guardians, if under 18 years old (original and coppy during the travel and the project).
  3. Possess valid European Health Card.
  4. Fill in the application form and send it to: stanimir.chukov@gmail.com – APPLICATION FORM
  5. Fill in and sign this Participant Agreement.
  6. Check the conditions your participation will be evaluated – Final evaluation form
  7. In the title of the e-mail, write down the name of the project.
  8. Apply before 10. 04. 2017.
  9. VERY IMPORTANT – if you apply as a group leader, take in consideration that you MUST participate in the APV and also in the youth exchange – this is an important aspect because the person who have been selected for the APV must came to the Youth Exchange.