Hi to everybody, happy new year!
Today we want to talk about one little appointment to which we have started taking part. We had this possibility thanks a friend of ours, who brought us to a traditional dancing night once. After having met a couple of guys from this local dancing group, we have decided to start to go dancing with them. So, at the beginning it was a little strange, ’cause we were and we are the only foreigners, of course! Also the language barrier, but there are some young girls who can fortunately speak English very well and patiently they explained us the steps.
Our teacher is an old man, but really energetic. Every time he is the first who arrives and he always dances like a 20 years old boy.
Our dance-mates are from every age, but we can easily have fun all together, dancing and joking. Anyway we are slowly learning different local dances, really different from ours and some of them are so difficult that we cannot do anything unless stumbling.
Here people dance on one line or circle, by holding their hands and moving a lots their feet, maybe too much! Even if it’s sometimes really hard for us, this dances are very cool and charming even only to watch, but try to learn them is 10 times funnier!
N.B: Soon the originals from „Balkani“ of Tryavna!
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