„I, Leader“

International Trainig Course
„I, Leader“

01/12/2016 – 06/12/2016
Alhama de Granada, Spain


Project Summary:

‘I, Leader’ is a 6-days Training Course which is designed for youth workers and young volunteers who would like to participate in the organization and be leaders on European youth exchanges, specially focused in projects that involve participants with fewer opportunities, mainly with migrant background.
The participants will get familiar with and discuss main topics and key points in the organization and running of youth exchanges with extra multicultural atmosphere. Moreover, they will have the chance to explore and put in practice various ways to apply non-formal learning methods and activities in their work with the young people.
This TC aims to equip workers and volunteers with little or no experience of youth exchanges with the skills to fill the role of group leader on a European youth exchange with young people facing difficulties, mostly related with their migrant background.
We want to:
– To further develop the quality and impact of activities organized within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme by offering training opportunities to those workers / volunteers undertaking leadership roles within them;
– To equip participants with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to undertake the role of leader on youth exchanges with young people with fewer opportunities, mainly focus on migrant background;
– To equip participants with a tool-kit of non-formal learning approaches and activities which can be used with the target group to explore issues and topics relevant to the young people;
– To introduce the participants to the elements of a good Erasmus+ project – intercultural learning, non-formal learning, inclusion and participation of young people, etc.;
– To introduce and develop an understanding among the participants of group dynamics and the process of a youth exchange, and look at tools to assist the group through this process;
– To develop the participants understanding of the full project cycle in a youth exchange including preparation and follow-up;
– To enable participants to reflect on their learning process and to learn more about Youthpass, its technical tool to produce the certificates, and its application in youth exchanges;
– To offer the opportunity to meet potential international partners to develop future projects.


Organizations involved:

  • „The Change is in You” Association – България;
  • Civic Values Foundation – България;
  • Ocean Znanja u Republici Hrvatskoj – Хърватска;
  • Mezinarodni vzdelavaci centrum GEMS – Чехия;
  • EUROCIRCLE – Франция;
  • Identities – Италия;
  • ALL-TERNATYWA – Stowarzyszenie Jeleniogorskiej Mlodziezy – Полша;
  • Asociatia de Tineret ONESTIN – Румъния;
  • Zavod Mladinski center Kotlovnica Kamnik – Словения;
  • Asociación Las Niñas del Tul – Испания;
  • Genclik Mevsimi Dernegi – Турция:
  • Shokkin Group Turkey – Турция;
  • Parallel 50 – Украйна.



We will stay in a nice pension in Alhama de Granada (http://www.booking.com/hotel/es/pension-san-jose-alhama-de-granada3.es.html). Participants will share rooms with other participants from different country (but same gender). Two or three per room. Accommodation is fully covered by the Erasmus plus programme.



Every day’s menu will be typical local meals, prepared and served for you in our accommodation. If you are vegetarian, vegan (other) you should inform us. No alcoholic drinks will be allowed on the place.


What to bring:

– we will have an intercultural evening, so bring your national food and drink.
– bring comfortable clothes and shoes (we will walk).
– bring your national flag, magazines, postcards what will help you to introduce your country.
– bring your sending organization’s leaflets and any kind of information what you might have.
– please find a nice mug from your city/town/country and bring it to the training course. On the first day we will make a lottery and you will get a cup that you can use the whole week and later bring home with you as a memory. Less plastic, more beauty!
– if you bring your laptop will be easier for working.
– and your good mood. This is the most important ☺


Financial support:

Project is supported by Erasmus+ program. Accommodation, meals, program and travel cost (based on distance) are covered from grant. There is no participation fee.


Travel cost reimbursement:

100% of the participants‘ travel costs will be reimbursed within the valid budget sums calculated according to the official rules of Erasmus+. If a sum exceeds the limit, the excess will be paid by the participants themselves. The reimbursement limit is 360€ per participant from Bulgaria. The tickets for the journey can be bought by our organisation.

Important: In order to obtain reimbursement for the tickets, you need to obey the following rules:
1) You need to present ALL THE TICKETS, including RETURN TICKETS, which you will send after realization of the project, otherwise YOU WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED (DO NOT FORGET TO KEEP YOUR BOARDING PASSES FROM AIRPORT CHECK-IN)
2) You need to use PUBLIC TRANSPORT e.g. planes, trains, buses, trams or underground.
3) You need to depart from the country.
4) It is recommended to make scans of tickets before your arrival in case you lose them. The reimbursement will be done only in euros.



The travel insurance is not mandatory but it is highly reccommended. It costs 1 BGN/day and covers all the common injuries during projects up to 5000 Euro. Our organization is not covering insurance, it is individual, but we are going to support you to obtain a proper insurance for the duration of the project. For more information about the insurance, contact us.

Every participant should have valid European Health Card.



Every participant is individually entitled to receive a Youthpass Certificate, which confirms participation and
validates the non-formal learning (NFL) experience of Training course project. Validating the learning experiences of participants is important in itself and the document can be of benefit in terms of the educational or employment future of the participant. Through Youthpass the European Commission ensures the Training course activity is recognized as a non-formal learning experience.
(*For more information on Youthpass you may click on this page to check it online)


In order to apply for this project, fill in THIS APPLICATION FORM and send it to: stanimir.chukov@gmail.com.

In the title of the e-mail, write down the name of the project.
The deadline for applying is 11. 11. 2016