European Voluntary Service
„HEAR : HElp And Respect“
Athens, Greece
12 months from 8th of May, 2018
Summary of the project:
NGO KEAN as an accredited coordinating and hosting organisation and under the framework of the European Voluntary Service Programme is going to implement the project entitled: “HEAR: HElp And Respect”.
Our organisation, within the project, is going to host four (4) volunteers for the period of one (1) year in order to promote the active youth participation, youth mobility and youth diversity. Another aim of the organization is to strengthen the spirit of volunteerism, the participation of people with fewer opportunities in voluntary actions and the protection of fundamental Human Rights, especially for vulnerable groups. Our organization also pursues to sensitize youth about gender equality, religion and social inclusion.
The EVS Project “HEAR: HElp And Respect” also responds to the thematic priorities of the Erasmus+ Program:
Promoting the active participation of European Youth in voluntary actions and enhancing their European Identity.
Encouraging the mobility of Youth, the participation of people with fewer opportunities and developing the spirit of Volunteerism.
Strengthening and encouraging the respect of Human Rights, the gender equality and equal opportunities for all members of the society and especially for vulnerable groups.
Promoting the diversity and the multicultural and interdenominational dialogue
Enhancing non-formal and informal learning opportunities.
Developing new transnational cooperation and for knowledge and good practices exchanging
This project involves three (3) partner organisations – “SDRUZHENIE PROMYANATA E V TEB – THE CHANGE IS IN YOU” from Bulgaria, “Asociatia Pentru Tineret Sakura” from Romania and “ATATURK UNIVERSITY” from Turkey.
Main Activities :
Contributing to the Operation of the Social Supermarket in Municipality of Iraklio in Attiki, which was created by KEAN in cooperation with the Municipality of Iraklio.
This activity includes the collection of the products from sponsors, their classification and the distribution of the products to the beneficiaries of Municipality of Iraklio.
Active involvement – participation and support – in the operation of the Volunteer’s Network in the Park Antonis Tritsis. – Organization of campaigns addressing to other NGOs, voluntary groups, private and public bodies for the organization and participation in common voluntary actions.
Creation of a behaviour manual with information regarding Human Rights, Democracy and Solidarity.
This manual is aiming to educate and sensitize the staff of organizations, private bodies and bodies, which are active in the wider public sector (Centres of Research for Equality Issues, Centres of Abused Women, Centres for the Protection of Children) about equality issues, in order to detect promptly the incidents of violence in target groups. Their education will be accomplished through seminars, organised and implemented by the volunteers. These actions are aiming to sensitize youth about Equality, Solidarity, Democracy and Human Rights of vulnerable groups (women, children, refuges).
Choosing twelve (12) Human Rights and creating one (1) short video for every chosen Human Right, each Month of their Project. In the end, all these short videos will be integrated in order to create one long video.
Design, creation and reproduction of a video about the thoughts and opinions of citizens in the question “ What are Human Rights?”.
Participation in communicative actions such as creating posters, leaflets, invitations and sending informative e-mails.
Creation of a blog with information regarding organisations, institutes and structures, which provide social services to individuals coming from vulnerable groups (chart of these structures and detailed description)
Updating to social media and the webpage of the organization.
Greek lessons provided by the organization.
The volunteers will attend Greek lessons in order to learn basic Greek Grammar rules, Greek vocabulary and useful phrases in order to communicate with Greek people and make their everyday life easier.
Weekly Feedback Session.
On the last day of every week, a meeting will take place, among the participants the coordinator of the project and the mentor (feedback, reporting of difficulties/problems, highlighting, gathering & discuss learning outcomes, and planning next week’s activities).
Expected Learning Outcomes:
Obtain specific expertise in the field of environmental education of students.
Develop knowledge regarding the creation, planning, organisation and implementation of activities with environmental orientation.
Learn how to develop and undertake initiatives.
Unfold creativity and innovation.
Develop and improve communication skills.
Get familiar within a multicultural environment, learning new different cultures and habits.
Develop cooperation spirit, learning how to work in multicultural teams.
Improve adaptability competences.
Cultivation of volunteerism spirit.
Form their own opinion about Human Rights, Equality, Solidarity.
Enhance tolerance, inclusion and the sense against xenophobia and racism
Enrich language skills, learning a new language (The Greek Language).
Gain practical knowledge on Administration of Social Media and Web Pages.
Exchange of knowledge and experiences.
Gain knowledge on how to manage promptly the time and how to discharge anxiety.
Improve their self-confidence
Develop their European Identity
Acquaint knowledge about the values of the European Citizenship
Enhance their knowledge on how to intervene as active citizens in the society.
Age limt of the volunteer:
Be 18 – 29 years old.*
Have good command of the English Language since this will be the language of the project.
Be highly motivated and sensitive regarding the topics which are approached by the project.
Be willing and interested in implementing their activities, voluntary actions and contributing to the community.
*Lower age limits: Participants must have reached the minimum age at the start date of the activity.
Upper age limits: Participants must not be older than the indicated maximum age.
Registration of your profie in European Solidarity Corps – Initiative :
In order to strengthen the cohesion and foster the solidarity in European society, a European Solidarity Corps has been set up by the European Commission to create a community of young people willing to engage in a wide range of solidarity activities, either by volunteering or gaining occupational experience in helping to resolve challenging situations across the European Union and beyond.
In its initial phase, the European Solidarity Corps builds on the currently existing EU Programmes. One of the principal funding schemes contributing to the European Solidarity Corps is the European Voluntary Service. The European Solidarity Corps will thus give impetus and greater visibility to European Voluntary Service activities, while putting volunteering at European level within a larger framework and adding further long-term volunteering opportunities.
More information about the European Solidarity Corps Initiative and how to get involved and to be registered :
For activities falling within the scope of the European Solidarity Corps (i.e. services lasting 2 to 12 months and taking place a Programme Country) , partner organizations are strongly encouraged to select their EVS volunteers making use of the European Solidarity Corps database where young people to engage in volunteering activities register their profile.
For this reason , please do not forget to register your profile in European Solidarity Corps – Initiative.
We will count positively:
Any educational background, related to social sciences, international relations and human sciences.
Any previous involvement in environmental activities at local level.
Any experience and knowledge about social issues and the community.
Any occupation related to the social and human field.
The volunteers will be living in an apartment on the 5th floor of a building in the city centre of Athens, 6 minutes far away from the Electric Railway Station, 5 minutes away from the Metro Station and 2 minutes away from the bus stop. The apartment is recently renovated and it’s equipped with all the facilities.
The characteristics of the apartment are the following:
1 Living room
1 Kitchen
2 Bathrooms
3 Wide shared bedrooms (Each bedroom hosts 2 people)
Hot water through boiler
Heating through air conditions
Free unlimited Wi-Fi internet connection
Towels, Sheets, Blankets
Cleaning service is not provided therefore volunteers will be responsible for the tidiness and the cleaning of the apartment.
The conditions of the accommodation will be known and previously accepted by the volunteers.
Project language:
The language of your project will be English during the work time and you will learn Italian too. Italian language courses will be provided by a proffesional teacher and/or a volunteer. They are not mandatory, but are strongly recommended due to the daily work with of the volunteers.
Monthly allowance:
Each volunteer will receive 220 Euro per month which are as it follows: 120 Euro for pocket money and 100 Euro for food.
The participant shall receive a financial support from EU funds for 12 months. The total amount for the mobility period shall be determined by multiplying the number of days/months of the mobility with the rate applicable per day/month for the receiving country concerned. In the case of incomplete months, the financial support is calculated by multiplying the number of days in the incomplete month with 1/30 of the unit cost per month.
The reimbursement of costs incurred in connection with special needs, when applicable, shall be based on the documentation such as invoices, receipts etc provided by the participant.
The financial support may not be used to cover similar costs already funded by Union funds.
Local Transportation:
Our organisation is covering the transportation of the volunteers from workplace to the accommodation by issuing a monthly card to each volunteer, for local unlimited transportation.
Travel cost reimbursement:
100% of the participants‘ travel costs will be reimbursed within the valid budget sums calculated according to the official rules of Erasmus+ programme. If a sum exceeds the limit, the excess will be paid by the participants themselves. The reimbursement limit is 275€ per participant from Bulgaria.
Important: In order to obtain reimbursement for the tickets, you need to obey the following rules:
1) You need to present ALL THE TICKETS, including RETURN TICKETS, which you will send after realization of the project, otherwise YOU WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED (DO NOT FORGET TO KEEP YOUR BOARDING PASSES FROM AIRPORT CHECK-IN)
2) You need to use PUBLIC TRANSPORT e.g. planes, trains, buses, trams or underground.
3) You need to depart from the country.
4) It is recommended to make scans of tickets before your arrival in case you lose them. The reimbursement will be done only in euros.
Every participant should have valid European Health Card.
Each participant will get full health insurance provided by CIGNA health insurance company.
Every participant is individually entitled to receive a Youthpass Certificate, which confirms participation and validates the non-formal learning (NFL) experience of Training course project. Validating the learning experiences of participants is important in itself and the document can be of benefit in terms of the educational or employment future of the participant. Through Youthpass the European Commission ensures the Training course activity is recognized as a non-formal learning experience.
(*For more information on Youthpass you may click on this page to check it online)
Relevant documents and links about the EVS:
EVS Info KIT: http://éc.éuropa.éu/youth/tools/évs-info-kit_én.htm
Erasmus+ Commission Website: http://éacéa.éc.éuropa.éu/érasmus-plus_én
Erasmus+ Home Page: http://éc.éuropa.éu/programmés/érasmus-plus/
Erasmus+ Programmed Guide:
Erasmus+ Youth: http://éc.éuropa.éu/youth/indéx_én.htm
Youth pass Page: https://www.youthpass.éu/én/youthpass/for/évs/subpagé/
Voluntary Agreement: will be shared with the selected candidates (Hosting organisation`s decision)
In order to apply, fill in and send to this APPLICATION FORM
You can also check ours:
FB page – Промяната е в Tеб / The Change is in You
FB group – Сдружение „Промяната е в Теб“ – гр. Трявна
YouTube Channel – „The Change is in You“ Association
In the title of the e-mail, write down the name of the project.