European Voluntary Service
“Build a new generation”
Vészprém, Hungary
12 months
Summary of the project:
This EVS project called “Build a new generation” is a 12 months long program, during this period you will develop yourselves and learn new skills, gain experiences and make new friendships. Your project’s tasks are divided to several parts under the topic working in a kindergarten, teaching kids.
Léléktér Foundation was accredited as an EVS delegating and hosting organization in October, 2014. Since then, the Foundation has participated in and coordinated many successful youth exchanges in the European Union. They have been working with youth for over 10 years. Their main goals are prevention; harm reduction and personal development of the young. In order to fulfill these goals they are coordinating trainings, seminars for them, their parents and for their teachers as well. They are coordinating the professional programs of the Youth House of Veszprem since 2014. In this project they are taking part as a coordinating NGO, two kindergartens are receiving volunteers with our help.
They provide a supervisor, who will be responsible for the coordination and the administration of the program; a mentor who deals with the process of induction, and supervises the volunteers, and an EVS coordinator, who gives tasks for the volunteers and keeps in touch with the Sending organization on a regular basis.
Léléktér Foundation hosted and supported 9 volunteers so far. The cooperation was very successful for both parties. They have been known in that field quite a while, ever since their experts participated in trainings or youth exchanges, so clearly they cultivate good relationships with volunteer sending organizations. The sending organizations add relevant experiences for the success of the program.
That need on the part of the receiving organizations is conceived before that they are interested in hosting EVS volunteers. This need has been vivified by this project.
As part of the project, they will coordinate volunteers during the 1 year length of the project. The English language kindergarten will host 2 volunteer while the German language kindergarten will host 3 volunteers between the ages of 18-30. On the part of the Foundation 4 people are working for the success of the program. They provide a social worker in supervisory capacity, a drug prevention expert, moreover a children and youth expert who is organizing the meeting of the partners of the project, responsible for the coordinating tasks and taking care of giving the tasks for the colleagues.
The mentor is a social expert, trainer who puts great emphasis on the social-mental caring too which reinforces the personality of the person and focuses on stabilizing the circumstances. Also responsible for the integration and self development of the volunteer.
The EVS coordinator is a former EVS volunteer who is a proficient English speaker and is highly trained in the creation and development of the national and international connections. She is the person who keeps in touch with the sending and receiving organizations and helps with the personal affairs and problems of the volunteers. In their free time, the local mentor helps with the integration of the volunteers and getting to know the host city. On behalf of the kindergartens, qualified kindergarten teachers will work with the volunteers, all of them are proficient German or English speakers.
On behalf of the receiving organizations, all the volunteers will work with two kindergarten teachers at the same time; nevertheless in order to reach the goals, the leaders of the kindergarten will take part of the helping process as well.
The five volunteers will communicate in English and German, helping the everyday lives of the kindergartens and children. Besides the routine tasks, they will organize developing activities in foreign language for preschool children mainly (language teaching, creative play, manipulative, etch.). They will popularize the Erasmus+ programs in high schools on a weekly base. Monthly will organized public tea afternoons where they create the opportunity for the volunteers to meet exchange of experience and provide information for people who are interested in EVS.
In the selection process, we are cooperating with the Receiving organization. The selection of the volunteers is based on professional aspects and the decision will be made while collaborating with the Receiving organization.
The project ensures the opportunity for the volunteers to develop their facilities and competences. They support them to effectuate their own ideas; motivate them to take part in community activities, whereby their personal development will be ensured.
Goals of the project:
The project provides development of the varying competencies of the volunteers. They support them to achieve their personal aims, motivate them to get involved in self and community development activities by using their creativity and the gained experience.
The aim of our project is to provide the opportunity for the two mentioned kindergartens to work with foreign volunteers who will add diversity to their programs. For the volunteers these will be great opportunity to find situations where they can develop their facilities and to experience their self-development.
By extension, we strongly believe that international collaborations, transmission and reception of good practices, facilitating of common thinking, social inclusion and strengthening well-being are all important characteristics of a well managed project. We consider our task to help the youngsters, who are in connection with us, in the way of becoming active, conscious citizens and expanding the person’s knowledge which is connected to his/her EU citizenship.
The expected results of the project are that the arriving volunteers will develop their personal competences and they will mediate their personally experienced developments through the two external programs after the arrival to their countries to their home mediums. They will popularize in this way the EVS programs.
The connections between the partners will strengthen which includes the possibility of collaboration in the future, which will support the exchange of the good practices; thereby they support the professional development of all the partners.
The Erasmus+ program is becoming more popular by the volunteers’ external activities and by the kindergartens’ systematic press release, these serve as purposes to give news for the locals in Veszprem County about the Erasmus programs.
Our EVS program includes all the priorities, goals and mission of the Erasmus+ Programmed.
Other important goals are to strengthen the co-operation, partnership between the participants and to provide the development of their competencies. We support them to achieve their personal goals, motivate them to get involved in self and community development activities by using their creativity and their gained experience. The impact of the project is that with the help of the new experience, knowledge they gained, they will be able to make positive changes.
Abouth the venue:
Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarorszag, population: 9, 8 million) is a landlocked country which is located in Central Europe in the Carpathian Basin.
The national flag’s colors are: red, white, green which are represent: the power, hope and loyalty.
The country is bordered by Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia and Croatia.
The capital and also the largest city (population: 1, 7 million) called Budapest. The official language is Hungarian, which is the most widely spoken non-Indo-European language in Europe.
It is the home of the largest thermal water cave system and the second largest thermal lake in the world (Lake Heviz), the largest lake in Central Europe (Lake Balaton), and the largest natural grasslands in Europe (the Hortobagy National Park).
Balaton is particularly popular touristic Centrum which is attracting foreigners also, especially in the summer.
One of the most famous festival in Hungary is taking place in the south part of the lake (Sio fok) called Balaton Sound. During the summertime a lot of different festivals and opened events are organized nation-wide (Szigeti, Volt, Hégyalja, PAFE, étc.)
Hungary’s geography has been traditionally defined by its two main waterways, the Danube and Tisza Rivers. Hungary has 10 national parks, 145 minor nature reserves, and 35 landscape protection areas.
Administratively, Hungary is divided into 19 counties. The currency of Hungary is called „forint“ (sign: Ft; code: HUF).
Hungary has a deep history in science and technology and the country has a lot of inventions too (Rubik’s cube, dynamo, vitamin C, ball-pointed pen, safety match étc.)
Hungary has the third-highest number of Olympic medals per capita and second highest number of gold medals per capita in the world. Hungary has historically excelled in Olympic water sports.
The country is offering programs, events and activities for people in different ages, different interests and from different countries. We have a lot of traditions, habits which are from our historical background.
Veszprem (population: 60,000) is one of the oldest urban areas in Hungary, and a city with county rights.
The town is called “Queen’s city” based on the Hungarian history. Veszprem is the home of University of Pannonia which is the 6th strongest university in Hungary. It lies on seven hills, approximately 15 km from the north of the Lake Balaton and 10 km from Barony mounts.
It is the administrative center of the county of the same name. Veszprem lies on both sides of the Séd creek, around 120 km from Budapest. It can also be reached from Gyor and from Szekesfehervar which are also exits with county rights. Veszprem provides local buses in order to reach the different parts of the city. Out of the town there are also public transportations: buses and trains. Around the city there are bicycle roads to reach the nearest villages and the Lake Balaton.
The cultural and social life is very varicolored. There are seven museums, three theaters, a zoo and several festivals. One of the most famous festivals is “Street Music Festival” which is taking place in the city center, for 5 days during the summer. This opened event is attracting many people from different parts of the country and from abroad as well. In the Street Music Festival there are approximately 10 stages with alternative bands.
Veszprem Arena is the home of MVM Veszprem m Handball Club which team has a big historical background and one of the best supporter audiences in the world. The team exists from 1977, during this period they won 23 Hungarian Championship title, 24 Hungarian Cups, 3 Hungarian Super Cups, 2 EHF Cups, 1 SEHA League title. They were participating in EHF Velum Final4 two times; they earned the second place in the 14/15 season.
Veszprem has several parks. They are good for walking and running. This town is suitable to move by bike and even if you prefer move by foot, the distances are not so long. Here are few shopping centers, where you can do your weekly shopping and get everything you look for. The basic food prices are cheaper than the average prices in the European Union, based on a survey from 2011.
Age limt of the volunteer:
As you might know the age limit for an EVS project needs to be between 18-30.
Project language:
The language of your project will be English during the work time and you will learn Hungarian too. For learning the new language we can recommend to check.
Hungarian language courses will be provided by a proffesional teacher. They are not mandatory, but are strongly recommended due to the daily work with of the volunteers.
Monthly allowance:
Each volunteer will receive 215 Euro per month which are as it follows: 95 Euro for pocket money and 120 Euro for food.
The participant shall receive a financial support from EU funds for 12 months. The total amount for the mobility period shall be determined by multiplying the number of days/months of the mobility with the rate applicable per day/month for the receiving country concerned. In the case of incomplete months, the financial support is calculated by multiplying the number of days in the incomplete month with 1/30 of the unit cost per month.
The reimbursement of costs incurred in connection with special needs, when applicable, shall be based on the documentation such as invoices, receipts etc provided by the participant.
The financial support may not be used to cover similar costs already funded by Union funds.
Travel cost reimbursement:
100% of the participants‘ travel costs will be reimbursed within the valid budget sums calculated according to the official rules of Erasmus+ programme. If a sum exceeds the limit, the excess will be paid by the participants themselves. The reimbursement limit is 275€ per participant from Bulgaria.
Important: In order to obtain reimbursement for the tickets, you need to obey the following rules:
1) You need to present ALL THE TICKETS, including RETURN TICKETS, which you will send after realization of the project, otherwise YOU WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED (DO NOT FORGET TO KEEP YOUR BOARDING PASSES FROM AIRPORT CHECK-IN)
2) You need to use PUBLIC TRANSPORT e.g. planes, trains, buses, trams or underground.
3) You need to depart from the country.
4) It is recommended to make scans of tickets before your arrival in case you lose them. The reimbursement will be done only in euros.
Every participant should have valid European Health Card.
Each participant will get full health insurance provided by CIGNA health insurance company.
Every participant is individually entitled to receive a Youthpass Certificate, which confirms participation and validates the non-formal learning (NFL) experience of Training course project. Validating the learning experiences of participants is important in itself and the document can be of benefit in terms of the educational or employment future of the participant. Through Youthpass the European Commission ensures the Training course activity is recognized as a non-formal learning experience.
(*For more information on Youthpass you may click on this page to check it online)
Relevant documents and links about the EVS:
EVS Info KIT: http://éc.éuropa.éu/youth/tools/évs-info-kit_én.htm
Erasmus+ Commission Website: http://éacéa.éc.éuropa.éu/érasmus-plus_én
Erasmus+ Home Page: http://éc.éuropa.éu/programmés/érasmus-plus/
Erasmus+ Programmed Guide: http://éc.éuropa.éu/programmés/érasmus-plus/discovér/guidé/indéx_én.htm
Erasmus+ Youth: http://éc.éuropa.éu/youth/indéx_én.htm
Youth pass Page: https://www.youthpass.éu/én/youthpass/for/évs/subpagé/
Voluntary Agreement:
In order to apply for this project, fill in THIS APPLICATION FORM and send it to:
In the title of the e-mail, write down the name of the project.