“Cook for Racism”

Международен Младежки Обмен
“Cook for Racism”



Racism and xenophobia are not the residues of a “past that does not want to pass”, archaisms that survive the disappearance of the conditions that have engendered them. The cataclysms of the 20th century did not vaccinate us against the temptation to stigmatize, the habit of excluding and sometimes the pleasure of hating diversity. From this point of view, contemporary xenophobia is deeply rooted in the history of racism, the basis of a modernity that modifies its morphology but not its function. Historicizing the racist factory of otherness is therefore necessary to understand how it is perpetuated today. Too often racism is considered a kind of pathology rather than a norm of modernity. This project aims to involve 25 young participants in order to promote mutual understanding and solidarity through
cooking. We want, from food, to reflect cultural diversity and European citizenship. Participants will cook together for 8 days, exchange their own traditional recipes and share their best practices on intercultural management and ways to combat racism. Cooking together and through the discussion in the workshops, it will be possible to reflect on European citizenship and to cross the intercultural barriers. We also think that the themes of cooking could be a common space in which they can share experiences, feelings and traditions, and why not, a good skill to find a job in the future. All activities will be carried out through non-formal education methods. The working methods will be totally non-formal, or rather learning by doing. This way of working with the participants will stimulate another important thing: non-verbal communication able to also overcome language barriers. This project requires an exchange of knowledge and culinary habits of young people, who want to cook together for several days. “Self-made” – willingness to discuss and exchange. At the end of the exchange the young participants will prepare a dinner for the local people who can benefit from this experience. This project will experiment with online video sequences to allow others to benefit from this experience. We will take advantage of this to create a discussion forum on culinary exchanges. This project will take place in Toulouse from
october 2nd to 2017 with 05 partner associations.

Participant`s profile required:

  • English level ( at least Medium level speaking and writing);
  • Youth workers;
  • Committed to contribute to the follow up of the project;
  • Gender Balance have to be followed as much as possible (2 Male and 2 Female participant per country +1 group leader);
  • Be interested in developing competences and implement follow-up initiatives;
  • Be aware of the characteristics of the learning environment (non-formal education);
  • Some priority will be given to youth belonging from minority groups or facing economic difficulties, coming from rural areas or with other disadvantaged backgrounds, as well as participants from Tryavna or the region.



Cité Universitaire de l’Arsenal
4-26 Boulevard Armand Duportal
31000 Toulouse
PS : There will have 2 hosting sites but CITE UNIVERSITAIRE ARSENAL will remain the headquarter of the project.

Participants will be accommodated in double, triple and four-person rooms with private bathroom, grouped by gender.

Working methods:

All the training will be done through the methods of non-formal education. The activities will be for example brain storming’s, plenary discussions, simulations, role plays, team building, energizers, ice breakers and many others. Non formal education we remember you that is voluntary, no hierarchical and all its methods are based on the concept of learning by doing.

Travel Costs:

100% of the participants‘ travel costs will be reimbursed within the valid budget sums calculated according to the official rules of Erasmus+ programme. If a sum exceeds the limit, the excess will be paid by the participants themselves. The reimbursement limit is 275€ per participant from Bulgaria.

Reimbursement of the travel costs will only be done after submitting all original tickets, receipt/invoices, boarding passes and later sending of the return documents and boarding passes. Save the boarding passes from your airport check in as well. Please, be aware that in case you loose any invoices or tickets we will not be able to reimburse the cost. Reimbursement will be done in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on your ticket and receipt/invoice according to the official currency exchange rate of European Commission.

! Note: in case of higher travel cost, you will need to cover excess yourself.

Important: It will be send only one bank transfert per Country . The recipient of the reimbursement is the partner association , not the participants according to the French National Agency rules. To receive reimbursement participants should attend all the planned progamme elements (before, during and after the project activities).

Financial support:

Project is supported by “Erasmus+” program. Accommodation, meals, program and travel cost (based on distance) are covered from grant. There is NO participation fee. However, 15 BGN will be deductuted from the travel costs or paid to the sending organisation from each participant, in order to be covered the different taxes, related to the participation of each representative from Bulgaria (bank transfer fees, post expenses, difference in the exchange rates, etc.). In case the organisation is covering the tickets, each participant must transfer a guarantee of 100 BGN, to the organisation`s public bank accont to ensure his/her`s participation and if he/she cancels his/her`s participation, the sum will be used to cover the change of the name for the flight, the ticket has been bought already.


The travel insurance is not mandatory but it is highly reccommended. It costs 1 BGN/day and covers all the common injuries during projects up to 5000 Euro. Our organization is not covering insurance, it is individual, but we are going to support you to obtain a proper insurance for the duration of the project. For more information about the insurance, contact us.


Every participant is individually entitled to receive a Youthpass Certificate, which confirms participation and
validates the non-formal learning (NFL) experience of Training course project. Validating the learning experiences of participants is important in itself and the document can be of benefit in terms of the educational or employment future of the participant. Through Youthpass the European Commission ensures the Training course activity is recognized as a non-formal learning experience.
(*For more information on Youthpass you may click on this page to check it online)

Applicants MUST:

  1. Have a vilidе ID/International passport.
  2. Possess valid European Health Card.
  3. Fill in the application form and send it to: stanimir.chukov@gmail.com – APPLICATION FORM
  4. Fill in and sign this Participant Agreement.
  5. Check the conditions your participation will be evaluated – Final evaluation form


In the title of the e-mail, write down the name of the project.
The deadline for applying is 04. 09. 2017